
icStation 4x4x4 LED Cube Shield for Arduino – Reprise

I’ve been playing a little more with my icStation 4x4x4 LED Cube Shield (I described the details of the build and my code previously).  First, a little hardware mod.

Eventually I’d like to use this with some kind of network connectivity and most of the add-ons I have utilise the UART on pins 0 and 1, so I wanted to free these up from being used on the shield.  Thankfully this was fairly straight forward – I simply removed the connecting pins from the shield for pins 0 and 1 and re-patched them across to pins 9 and 10.  (I avoided pin 8 as this too is used with one of the radios I might use, the Ciseco SRF modules, in the future)

This means that the pin definitions in my code now look something like this:

int HC595_clockPin=9;   // SH_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_latchPin=10;  // ST_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_dataPin=3;    // DS of 74HC595 
int HC595_enablePin=2;  // Not OE of 74HC595
int LED_Pin16= 4;
int LED_Pin17= 5;
int LED_Pin18= 6;
int LED_Pin19= 7;

You can see this simple mod in the pictures below.


The other change I wanted to make was to make the cube more easily programmable, rather than just loading in pre-set patterns, and to make the refreshing of the cube more independent of the main code.

To do the former, I added a few functions to set and clear the appropriate bits in an array that I can simply load into the cube when convenient.

unsigned int display[4];

void setpixel (int x, int y, int z) {
  // z defines the plane
  // within the plane, x + y*4 defines the bit
  display[z] = display[z] | (1<<(x+y*4)); 

void clrpixel (int x, int y, int z) {
  display[z] = display[z] & (~(1<<(x+y*4))); 

void clrdisplay () {
  display[0] = 0;
  display[1] = 0;
  display[2] = 0;
  display[3] = 0;

To improve the scanning of the cube, I decided to use the hardware timer interrupt available on timer 1 in the arduino.  After initially thinking about setting the registers directly, I decided the TimerOne library is actually so simple to use, I may as well just use that – so I did.

To initialise the timer:

// Use Timer1 on the Ardunio to trigger the update scan in the background 
Timer1.attachInterrupt (ics444_display_scan);

And the scan routine looks like this:

int ics444_scan_count=0;
void ics444_display_scan () {
  if (ics444_scan_count == 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[0]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], LOW);
  else if (ics444_scan_count == 1) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[1]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], LOW);
  else if (ics444_scan_count == 2) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[2]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], LOW);
  else {  
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[3]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], LOW);
    ics444_scan_count = 0;

Note that for each tick of the timer I display one plane then move onto the next one for the next tick. Initially I had it setting each plane in sequence, but then found I needed a short delay between each plane to actually allow the LEDs to illuminate without bleeding into each other, hence splitting it up. I also found that if I don’t pre-set all four planes to HIGH (i.e. turning them off) before selecting the pattern I wanted, I’d also get some bleeding of values across planes, hence the sequence: a) turn all planes off; write the 16 bits to the plane as data; turn on the plane to be illuminated; wait before doing the next plane.

This seems to create a nice scanning persistence of vision effect without having to worry about when to trigger the scanning from the main code.  The last bits of glue are something to update a buffer containing the pattern to display (stored in LED_Plane[0-3] in the above code) and pretty much the same code as before for the actual writing to the registers of the 74HC595.

One gotcha – I set all my icstation4x4x4 code into a separate cpp and header file, so when I tried to #include <TimeOne.h> in my .cpp file, I kept getting:

icstation4x4x4.cpp:1:22: fatal error: TimerOne.h: No such file or directory
 #include <TimerOne.h>

Which was starting to drive me crazy as I could see the library was installed correctly, etc. After some Googling, eventually searching for “Arduino use of libraries from other libraries” or something like that, I found out that the compiler won’t include paths to libraries unless they are included in the main sketch file.  Consequently to use <TimerOne.h> in my .cpp I also need to #include <TimerOne.h> in my main sketch file too.  A quirk of the “C++ but not quite C++” nature of the Arduino IDE I guess.

Full code for my icstation4x4x4 included below.  Note: This is not written to be particularly good code (I don’t use portable definitions for 16-bit values, and there is minimal error checking, etc – this is just my hacking about, not meant for real use anywhere – I might tidy I up one day – maybe).  If you want to do it all properly, I suggest you take a look at the rather fine library described here:


Main Sketch:

#include <TimerOne.h>
#include "icstation4x4x4.h"

unsigned int display[4];

void setpixel (int x, int y, int z) {
  // z defines the plane
  // within the plane, x + y*4 defines the bit
  display[z] = display[z] | (1<<(x+y*4)); 

void clrpixel (int x, int y, int z) {
  display[z] = display[z] & (~(1<<(x+y*4))); 

void clrdisplay () {
  display[0] = 0;
  display[1] = 0;
  display[2] = 0;
  display[3] = 0;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:

int x=0;
int y=0;
int z=0;
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<32; i++)
    setpixel (random(4), random(4), random(4));
  delay (2000);


#include <TimerOne.h>
#include "icstation4x4x4.h"

// Note: Original shield was wired to use pins 0-7, plus GND and +5V.
//       This has been re-wired to use pins 9 and 10 instead of 0 and 1
//       in order to free up 0/1 (RX/TX) for use as a serial port and 8 for use
//       with the Ciseco SRF radios (0/1 is the serial connection to the
//       radio and 8 is the radio 'enable' pin).
int HC595_clockPin=9;   // SH_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_latchPin=10;  // ST_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_dataPin=3;    // DS of 74HC595 
int HC595_enablePin=2;  // Not OE of 74HC595
int LED_Pin16= 4;
int LED_Pin17= 5;
int LED_Pin18= 6;
int LED_Pin19= 7;
int LED_Plane[] = {LED_Pin16, LED_Pin17, LED_Pin18, LED_Pin19};
unsigned int HC595_display[4];

// Each line (8 bytes) is an entire cube, with two consecutive bytes per plane of LEDS,
// and 16 LEDS per plane. LEDs are encoded in the following order:
//    Lowest plane byte 1, lowest plane byte 2, second lowest plane 1, then 2,
//    second from top plane 1, then 2, highest plane 1, highest plane 2.
//    Each plane is encoded looking at the Arduino oriented with the USB/power
//    designated by 'south' by started 'north west' as follows:
//        D0    D1    D2    D3
//        D4    D5    D6    D7
//        D8    D9    D10   D11
//        D12   D13   D14   D15
//        D16   D17   D18   D19
//          (USB)      (Power)
//    With D16 being the lowest plane, through to D19 being the highest plane
//    Of course, if you wire the planes up differently, that is up to you!
//    Each two bytes of the pattern are therefore:
//        B00000000, B00000000 -> D0-7, D8-15
//    with D0 = msb of the first value, D7 being the lsb of the first value,
//    and  D8 = msb of the second value, D15 being the lsb of the second value.
//    So the entire pattern is:
//    B10010000,B00001001,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B10010000,B00001001,
//     |      |  |     ||                                          |      |  |     ||
//     |      |  |     |\ D15 bottom plane                         |      |  |     |\ D15 top plane
//     |      |  |     \ D14 bottom plane                          |      |  |     \ D14 top plane
//     |      |  \ D8 bottom plane                                 |      |  \ D8 top plane
//     |      \ D7 bottom plane                                    |      \ D7 top plane
//     \ D0 bottom plane                                           \ D0 top plane
// Comment following in or out to switch patterns in or out
//#define SWAP   1
//#define SNAKE  1
//#define BURST  1
//#define SPIRAL 1
//#define ALT    1
unsigned char pattern[] = {
#ifdef SWAP
#ifdef SNAKE
#ifdef BURST
#ifdef SPIRAL
#ifdef ALT
int patternNumber=0;
int numPatterns=sizeof(pattern)/8;
int tickCount=0;
int tickCountMax=50;      // How many times to loop before changing the pattern
unsigned int currentPattern[4];

  Protocol for sending the data to the hc595 is as follows:
   "when the clock pin goes from low to high, the shift register
    reads the state of the data pin ... when the latch pin goes
    from low to high the sent data gets moved from the shift
    registers ... to the output pins"
   As we have two HC595s chained together, we use a 16 bit input value
void write_74HC595 (unsigned int hc595value) { 
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, LOW);   // ensures LEDs don't light whilst changing values
//   digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, HIGH); // OE is negative logic
   // Shift each 8 bit value in sequence - the two chained HC595s automatically grab
   // the right bits - the first 8 to the first chip, second 8 to the second chip
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, hc595value);  
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, (hc595value >> 8));
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, HIGH);  // data transferred from shift register to outputs when latch goes LOW->HIGH
//   digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, LOW);  // re-enable (negative logic again)

  Inputs: Array of 4 16-bit integers - one for each plane
void ics444_display (unsigned int *pPattern) {

int ics444_scan_count=0;
void ics444_display_scan () {
  if (ics444_scan_count == 0) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[0]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], LOW);
  else if (ics444_scan_count == 1) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[1]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], LOW);
  else if (ics444_scan_count == 2) {
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[2]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], LOW);
  else {  
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
    write_74HC595 (HC595_display[3]);
    digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], LOW);
    ics444_scan_count = 0;

  Inputs: Array of 8 8-bit integers - two for each plane
void ics444_displayBytes (byte *pPattern)
    unsigned int pattern[4];
    pattern[0] = pPattern[0]*256 + pPattern[1];
    pattern[1] = pPattern[2]*256 + pPattern[3];
    pattern[2] = pPattern[4]*256 + pPattern[5];
    pattern[3] = pPattern[6]*256 + pPattern[7];
    ics444_display (&pattern[0]);    

void ics444_setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode( HC595_latchPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_clockPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_dataPin,   OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_enablePin, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin16, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin17, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin18, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin19, OUTPUT );
//  digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, LOW);  // Enable Not OE (negative logic)


  // Use Timer1 on the Ardunio to trigger the update scan in the background 
  Timer1.attachInterrupt (ics444_display_scan);

  tickCount = tickCountMax;

// To be called from the loop()
void ics444_demo ()
  int i;
  // only update it every tick otherwise just display as is
  if (tickCount <= 0)
    tickCount = tickCountMax;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
      currentPattern[i] = pattern[i*2 + patternNumber*8] * 256 + pattern[i*2 + 1 + patternNumber*8];
    if (patternNumber >= numPatterns)
      patternNumber = 0;


#ifndef ICS444_H
#define ICS444_H
#include <arduino.h>

// To be called from the setup() routine
void ics444_setup(void);

// Perform one scan of the cube to display a complete pattern
//    Inputs: Four 16 bit integers, one for each plane of the cube
//    Order: Bottom plane to top plane, D0 to D15
void ics444_display (unsigned int *pPattern);

// As above, but takes the input as eight 8 bit values instead
// that is two per plane (ordered bottom to top once again)
void ics444_displayBytes (byte *pPattern);

// Displays the built-in patterns
// To be called from the loop() routine
// NB: Need to make sure the patterns are not commented out
//        in icstation4x4x4.cpp otherwise, none will be included
void ics444_demo (void);

icStation 4x4x4 LED Cube Shield for Arduino – Software

As described in my previous post, I now have a working (I’ve run the demo code!) icStation 4x4x4 LED cube shield connected up to an Arduino Uno.  Unfortunately as I started to dig around in the sample library, I just couldn’t quite work out how it was meant to address each plane of the cube.  Eventually I decided it wasn’t possible, due to a number of bugs in the code.

The demo code worked as the code just showed the same pattern on each of the four planes.  This is largely because the initialisation routines set the four Ardunio data pins to low, and then never did anything else with them!  There is some mention of pins 16 and 17, but no mention of pins 18 and 19, and actually in the main display routines, there is nothing done to actually set any of these pins once initialisation is complete.  So at this point I decided to read a bit more about the 74HC595 and just go it alone.  Attached is the result.  Feel free to use as you see fit.

Basic initialisation

The two shift registers seem fairly simple to setup.  The Arduino needs some control pins setting up as outputs alongside the four digital outs used for the LEDs.  The initialisation is quite straight forward as follows:

#include <Arduino.h>

int HC595_clockPin=0;   // SH_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_latchPin=1;   // ST_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_dataPin=3;    // DS of 74HC595 
int HC595_enablePin=2;  // Not OE of 74HC595
int LED_Pin16= 4;
int LED_Pin17= 5;
int LED_Pin18= 6;
int LED_Pin19= 7;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode( HC595_latchPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_clockPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_dataPin,   OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_enablePin, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin16, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin17, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin18, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin19, OUTPUT );
//  digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, LOW);  // Enable Not OE (negative logic)

I never did quite work out if I needed to do anything with the enable pin, but as it is active low, I assumed that by not doing anything, everything would be enabled by default anyway.

In terms of actually writing a value to the 74HC595, again that is fairly straight forward.

  Protocol for sending the data to the hc595 is as follows:
   "when the clock pin goes from low to high, the shift register
    reads the state of the data pin ... when the latch pin goes
    from low to high the sent data gets moved from the shift
    registers ... to the output pins"
   As we have two HC595s chained together, we use a 16 bit input value
void write_74HC595 (unsigned int hc595value) { 
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, LOW);   // ensures LEDs don't light whilst changing values
   // Shift each 8 bit value in sequence - the two chained HC595s automatically grab
   // the right bits - the first 8 to the first chip, second 8 to the second chip
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, hc595value);  
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, (hc595value >> 8));
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, HIGH);  // data transferred from shift register to outputs when latch goes LOW->HIGH

So 16 bits of the hc595value variable are sent in two 8-bit chunks over the serial port to the shift registers and with the appropriate signalling via the latch pin, that is basically that.  This sets the outputs of the 74HC595 to high, but in order to make the LEDs come on, the Arduino data pins corresponding to the horizontal planes must be set low.  If a different pattern is required for each plane, then some kind of simple ‘scanning’ is required as illustrated below.

int LED_Plane[] = {LED_Pin16, LED_Pin17, LED_Pin18, LED_Pin19};

  Inputs: Array of 4 integers - one for each plane
void display (unsigned int *pPattern)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<1000; j++)
      // Slow this down so that there is time for the LEDS to light
      // Experimentation shows that 200+ gives brighter LEDs
      // NB: Do it this way so an empty loop isn't optimised out
      if (j==0)
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
        write_74HC595 (pPattern[i]);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[i], LOW);

I guess the only thing to really note here is that without the loop involving j then the ‘scanning’ was happening too fast to allow the LEDs to have any significant brightness at all.  I initially had a simple for (j=0; j<1000; j++) {}; statement at the end, but this seemed to be optimised out – at least it didn’t seem to have the delay effect I wanted, so instead I made the code only act on one pass through the loop.

So, with these basics, it is now possible to get a 64 bit pattern, in the form of four 16 bit values, each representing one plane of 16 LEDs, onto the cube.

I have the full demo code file below – it isn’t massively pretty, and its not cpp (sorry – I’ve always been more of a C person I’m afraid, and my C is a little rusty), but it works for me.  Your proverbial mileage, as they say, may vary.


#include <Arduino.h>

int HC595_clockPin=0;   // SH_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_latchPin=1;   // ST_CP of 74HC595 
int HC595_dataPin=3;    // DS of 74HC595 
int HC595_enablePin=2;  // Not OE of 74HC595
int LED_Pin16= 4;
int LED_Pin17= 5;
int LED_Pin18= 6;
int LED_Pin19= 7;
int LED_Plane[] = {LED_Pin16, LED_Pin17, LED_Pin18, LED_Pin19};

// Each line (8 bytes) is an entire cube, with two consecutive bytes per plane of LEDS,
// and 16 LEDS per plane. LEDs are encoded in the following order:
//    Lowest plane byte 1, lowest plane byte 2, second lowerst plane 1, then 2,
//    second from top plane 1, then 2, highest plane 1, highest plane 2.
//    Each plane is encoded looking at the Arduino oriented with the USB/power
//    designated by 'south' by started 'north west' as follows:
//        D0    D1    D2    D3
//        D4    D5    D6    D7
//        D8    D9    D10   D11
//        D12   D13   D14   D15
//        D16   D17   D18   D19
//          (USB)      (Power)
//    With D16 being the lowest plane, through to D19 being the highest plane
//    Of course, if you wire the planes up differently, that is up to you!
//    Each two bytes of the pattern are therefore:
//        B00000000, B00000000 -> D0-7, D8-15
//    with D0 = msb of the first value, D7 being the lsb of the first value,
//    and  D8 = msb of the second value, D15 being the lsb of the second value.
//    So the entire pattern is:
//    B10010000,B00001001,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B00000000,B10010000,B00001001,
//     |      |  |     ||                                          |      |  |     ||
//     |      |  |     |\ D15 bottom plane                         |      |  |     |\ D15 top plane
//     |      |  |     \ D14 bottom plane                          |      |  |     \ D14 top plane
//     |      |  \ D8 bottom plane                                 |      |  \ D8 top plane
//     |      \ D7 bottom plane                                    |      \ D7 top plane
//     \ D0 bottom plane                                           \ D0 top plane
// Comment following in or out to switch patterns in or out
#define SWAP   1
#define SNAKE  1
#define BURST  1
#define SPIRAL 1
#define ALT    1
unsigned char pattern[] = {
#ifdef SWAP
#ifdef SNAKE
#ifdef BURST
#ifdef SPIRAL
#ifdef ALT
int patternNumber=0;
int numPatterns=sizeof(pattern)/8;
int tickCount=0;
int tickCountMax=50;      // How many times to loop before changing the pattern
unsigned int currentPattern[4];

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode( HC595_latchPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_clockPin,  OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_dataPin,   OUTPUT );
  pinMode( HC595_enablePin, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin16, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin17, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin18, OUTPUT );
  pinMode( LED_Pin19, OUTPUT );
//  digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, LOW);  // Enable Not OE (negative logic)

  tickCount = tickCountMax;

  Protocol for sending the data to the hc595 is as follows:
   "when the clock pin goes from low to high, the shift register
    reads the state of the data pin ... when the latch pin goes
    from low to high the sent data gets moved from the shift
    registers ... to the output pins"
   As we have two HC595s chained together, we use a 16 bit input value
void write_74HC595 (unsigned int hc595value) { 
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, LOW);   // ensures LEDs don't light whilst changing values
//   digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, HIGH); // OE is negative logic
   // Shift each 8 bit value in sequence - the two chained HC595s automatically grab
   // the right bits - the first 8 to the first chip, second 8 to the second chip
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, hc595value);  
   shiftOut(HC595_dataPin, HC595_clockPin, LSBFIRST, (hc595value >> 8));
   digitalWrite(HC595_latchPin, HIGH);  // data transferred from shift register to outputs when latch goes LOW->HIGH
//   digitalWrite(HC595_enablePin, LOW);  // re-enable (negative logic again)

  Inputs: Array of 4 integers - one for each plane
void display (unsigned int *pPattern)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
    int j;
    for (j=0; j<1000; j++)
      // Slow this down so that there is time for the LEDS to light
      // Experimentation shows that 200+ gives brighter LEDs
      // NB: Do it this way so an empty loop isn't optimised out
      if (j==0)
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[0], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[1], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[2], HIGH);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[3], HIGH);
        write_74HC595 (pPattern[i]);
        digitalWrite(LED_Plane[i], LOW);

void displayPattern ()
  int i;
  // only update it every tick otherwise just display as is
  if (tickCount <= 0)
    tickCount = tickCountMax;
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
      currentPattern[i] = pattern[i*2 + patternNumber*8] * 256 + pattern[i*2 + 1 + patternNumber*8];
    if (patternNumber >= numPatterns)
      patternNumber = 0;

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

icStation 4x4x4 LED Cube Shield for Arduino – Hardware Build

I like LEDs – always have enjoyed flashing a few lights, so after playing around with various LED matrices I thought it was time to go 3D.  My electronics aren’t quite up to fully going it alone, so I after some googling around, I found the icStation 4x4x4 LED cube shield for the Arduino, which seemed just the thing for me – cheap (less than $6!  Yes, really!), not too difficult looking to solder, and all nicely shield-shaped to make it easy to programme.

Unfortunately, whilst now it is all up and running, and the shield is great, I was really struggling with the provided build instructions and sample code.  By way of example, the instructions document is called the ‘welding guide’ rather than soldering – so you get the idea, it has been translated over to English, which means there is not a little head-scratching before you are actually able to proceed.  With that in mind, I thought I’d make a few notes here in case anyone else has one of these and too is trying to work out quite what the thinking behind it was!

The shield is based around the 75HC595 shift register – so if you want to know the general principles, there are a number of tutorials around – I suggest reading this generic Arduino ShiftOut Tutorial to get the hang of the basics.  The basic circuit is relatively straight forward once you’ve spotted how it works.  In a nutshell, the main principles are as follows:

  • The 74HC595 provides a means to connect 8 LEDs to the Arduino serial port.
  • There are two 74HC595s chained together, which means you can control 16 LEDs at a time.
  • The Arduino serial port is used to connect to the two 74HC595 chips, so pumping a 16-bit value down the serial port, with appropriate signalling on a couple of control lines, will set the outputs of the 74HC595.
  • The outputs of the HC74595 are connected to each ‘column’ of LEDs (via their anodes).
  • Four Arduino digital out pins are used to connect to each ‘plane’ of LEDs (via their cathodes).
  • Loading the shift registers chooses which columns to illuminate and bringing some of the four Arduino digital pins low will select which planes of LEDs will actually light up.
  • If you want different patterns on each plane of LEDs, then you have to ‘scan’ them by setting the data values, and manipulating the Arduino digital out pins accordingly.

This is all apparent if you follow the tutorials, read up a bit about the 74HC595 and follow the circuit provided in the kit.  But I’m afraid to say, I didn’t get much from the example code and library provided, which seemed to me to have significant bugs in the handling of the selecting of the planes of LEDs!  Consequently, I wrote my own, which I’ll provide in another post.

Building the Cube

But first, some hints on actually building the thing.  The guide for constructing the main shield is fairly straight forward, so I’ll not repeat that here.  I thought it was quite a neat idea to use header sockets with the plastic removed as sockets for the LED legs, but breaking the plastic housing away did often mean one of the bare sockets might ping out of my wire cutters across the room! Good job there were a few spares.  Remember to put the two ICs in their sockets though before you attempt to connect up LEDs – I didn’t and nearly mangled my cube trying to insert them afterwards!

Somewhere I read that it is a good idea to test your LEDs with a 3v button cell.  I know there are 64 to do, but it is very quick to test them by slipping the button cell between the two legs, observing the correct polarity of course, and checking they work, so I did this – all good.

It did take me a good few minutes however to realise that the build instructions suggest making a frame to hold the LEDs whilst they are being soldered together.  In fact, the design suggests that you construct a vertical slice of four columns of LEDs at a time, in order to get them nicely aligned.  Extra header pin connectors are provided for this purpose, but rather than make a frame by soldering these to some stripboard, which seems to be the suggestion, I just stuck them into some breadboard as shown below.

01-breadboard and first LEDs

Note that I’ve used two breadboards together, after having first remove some of the power rails.  I took the advice of the ‘welding guide’ and placed the header pins 2cm apart and am placing the LEDs side-on, so that, again as suggested in the guide, with the cathodes (shorter legs) bent at 90% as shown.  I soldered them a single horizontal row at a time, by soldering the bent legs together.  Then, once two rows were made, connected the vertical legs together, thus building up each vertical plane of four columns as shown in the following pictures.

02-LED rows 03-all four rows

The end result is a single slice through the cube consisting of 16 LEDs in a 4×4 plane as follows.  You can start to see how the ‘matrix’ effect will work, as there should be four vertical connections and four horizontal connections, with an LED straddling each cross-over point. Naturally the verticals and horizontals themselves don’t touch otherwise it would short out across the LED.

04-LED vertical plane

Now at this point, I decided to test them all again, by connecting my 3v button cell between each vertical and horizontal end point.  Good job I did, as after constructing my second plane, I found one of the LEDs wasn’t working, so I unsoldered it and replaced it – thankfully the kit came with spares.  Eventually I had all four vertical planes, each with 16 LEDs in a 4×4 grid, finished as follows.

05 - all four planes

So, each of the ‘down’ legs will get plugged into one of the 16 header sockets already soldered to the shield connecting them to the data pins of the two 74HC595s.  But the ‘across’ legs need to be connected together somehow to form a single conductive plane, so that each horizontal plane can then be connected to one of the four Ardunio digital out pins to complete the circuit.  In order to form the horizontal planes, I bent the surplus bent LED legs over as follows:

06 - bending spare legs

Then I could start assembling each vertical plane by inserting them into the shield, one at a time:

07 - assembling columns08 - four columns 09 - soldered planes

Note that I left the last set ‘unbent’, but the others I then soldered together to form the horizontal planes.  This proved a bit tricky mind, as I ended up with three legs all coming together pretty much in the same place – so as I was attempting to solder the new horizontal in place, I was as often as not, also unsoldering the existing LED connection I had already made.  There may well be a better way to do this – maybe using jumper wires across the other end of each plane instead of the spare LED legs … but anyway, I managed it eventually.

At this point, it was worth checking the connections of each plane with that 3v button cell again (although I didn’t check all 64 combinations again – just a token few in each horizontal plane).  Finally, I used some jumper wires to connect each horizontal plane to one of the header sockets connected to the Arduino data pins.  On the diagrams these were labelled D16 to D19.  I connected the top plane to D16, then moved down for D17, D18 and connected the bottom plane to D19.  There was no guidance as to which way round it should be, but as we’ll see later, due to bugs in the library it made no difference anyway!  Ultimately it is down to you coding it the same way around as your wiring.

10 - jumper wires - side11 - jumper wires - front

And that was construction pretty much complete.  At this point you should be able to plug it into your Arduino Uno, download the sample code from icStation (really though – a rar file?) and load up the demo and you should see lights flashing and be able to spot if anything isn’t quite right.

And then things got a bit complicated – but more on that in my next post.
